Friday, October 17, 2008

Ashley's First Field Trip

This is Ashley's 1st field trip. Her kindergarten class went to the Pumpkin Patch. It rained on us but the kids still had a great time. When we first got there we were greeted by the 4 farm dogs (if you can call 3 pugs "farm dogs"). We then went around and saw, pet, and feed the animals. There were rabbits, goats, llamas, cows, donkeys, chickens, and pigs(there were a lot of little pigglets as well).
We then went on a hay ride and passed cows that were all by themselves because they were getting ready to calf. We then went and helped the farmer call the cows in to feed them. There were lots of new baby calfs.
Then we went and played in the playground area. And of course Ashley with no fear found the highest places to jump from. She had a blast.

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