Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Carson Potty Trained!!!!!!!!

So Carson has been completly potty trained for a while now. Although #2 can get a little messy, with no help.
Last night me and Trent were sitting in bed at 10:00 watching TV and Carson comes down the stairs totally asleep. He climbs in bed for a few minutes with Trent. All of the sudden he jumps up and heads for the bathroom pulling down his pants.
He comes out of the bathroom and I thought to myself how cute that he came all the way downstairs still asleep to use our bathroom.
Then he climbs in bed with me. After a few minutes I carry him back to his bed. When I come back to my room I head for the closet to get ready for bed.
In our bathroom right when you walk in is the closet to the left (there is no door). Keep going straight and the toilet is a towel bar length away on the left.
Anyways back to the closet. I step into the closet and my foot gets wet. There is a straight stream of pee from the bathroom onto the carpet into the closet.
I guess I am still counting him as being potty trained at least he didn't pee in my bed.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Annual Christmas Tree Hunt

So every year we go up out of Sisters to get our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. This year was a little different, there was no snow. So We missed out on our sledding hill but Casey and Julie made a scavenger hunt so the kids didn't seem to care. We brought our 4 Wheeler and trailer and Trent put foam in the trailer so we had a lot of hay rides.

Don't be fooled once you stand it up it is a Charlie Brown tree.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Molly Morman

Ok so I am playing Molly Morman today. 1st the egg seeds and now Peppermint swizzle sticks ( I had lots of broken peppermints and candy canes from the parade).

We are having Enrichment Night tommorow with a tasters table. I couldn't decide what to do and finally I came across this in Better Homes and Garden.

1. Marshmallow
2. dip half of marshmallow in mixture of 1 cup sifted powdered sugar and 3-4 teaspoons of water.

3. finely chop peppermint/candy canes. I used my hand chopper.
4. Dip wet marshmallow in crushed peppermint.

5. Let stand.
6. Poke with a toothpick and use in your hot chocolate. YUM!!!!

Family Home Evening.

Ok so I ripped this off from one of the Dickinsons blog. We were given some seeds from a customer and so I thought we will take a wack at it. We planted the seeds in the egg shells. 1st we poked holes in the bottom of the shells then filled them half way with soil. Then we put the seeds in and filled them the rest of the way. Last we watered them and wrapped them with plastic wrap. When it is time to plant them outside after the last frost we just put them in the ground, shell and all. Pretty cool well update you on the flower situation later.

Christmas Parade in Redmond.

So I only got a couple of pictures and then got into trying to get Carson to run for the candy. Unless the candy was right at his feet he wouldn't get it. Then we realized that he was standing over Megan's candy bag. Why would he have to run for it when Megan was bringing it to him? It was great weather and the kids had so much fun. I think the best float was the Redmond Police. They had the Grinch in a Jail cell on the back of their float. Yah Christmas is saved.